
The Advisory Partner team has been working with primary producers for more than 30 years. That has resulted in a deep understanding of agribusiness and its unique set of business challenges and demands. Unpredictable cash flows, weather uncertainties and seasonal considerations are all factors that require a specific approach to proper business planning.

Advisory Partner offers practical accounting and financial advice to help our rural clients make the right decisions today, establish the required structures for future succession, and focus on minimising risks of this volatile industry.

Our experience in rural accounting has resulted in an evolving range of business solutions designed specifically for primary producers.

Phil Currey is Advisory Partner’s Agribusiness Consulting Leader.

How we help our clients

Our experience and expertise in the rural economy is focused on:

Specialist knowledge of rural accounting and taxation issues

Tax planning and how best to take advantage of farm management deposits and other tax-saving strategies

Rural business cash flow forecasts and budgets

Annual rural business compliance requirements

Rural business activity and income activity statements

Preparing reports for banks and financiers.

We also offer specialist transaction services. Read more about some of Advisory Partner’s major agribusiness projects [132KB PDF].

Tax planning

Australian tax law has specific considerations for agribusiness, including farming and grazing businesses. Advisory Partner is an expert in the field.

Funding innovation

There are incentives available for agribusiness to take great ideas into reality.

Farmers face variable commodity prices, exchange rates and weather conditions, all of which necessitate careful tax planning. In this two-minute video, Advisory Partner director Brett Plant talks about concessions available under the Tax Act and how agribusiness clients can take the best advantage of the good years.
